Sunday, January 16, 2011

Closing Weekend - Pheasant Season 2010-11

This is closing weekend for bird hunting season in Hawaii. Mike and his dog Jake, my friend Justin and I hunted all day yesterday (Saturday). Being that it was the last weekend of the season, no birds were released and the remaining native birds were scattered and thin.

We hunted hard all day and only flushed two birds. Mike shot a gray Francolin that we never could find even with Jake's help. Jake also pointed a hen pheasant that we flat missed. Click on the "Our Big Miss" video link on the right to see the video.

Mike taking a break with Jake.

Justin was a trooper! This was his first hunting trip. He hiked hard with us all day and videod/took pictures. At the end of the day he said "It's a lot harder than I thought it would be!" I'll second that...we hiked hard and the sun was really hot!

Erckel's and Black Francolin like to live in rough terrain like steep slopes and rocky edges of meadows.

Look close in the picture above. On the hilltop you'll see Mike and Jake on the left and Justin on the right.

At times I'm really focused on finding times I get really distracted by the scenery.

Another great day of hunting. It's a bummer to come home empty handed...but remember, an empty handed hunter has no birds to clean when he gets home! Sometimes that's a bigger blessing than you'd think, especially when you get in late and you're exhausted.

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